
AKWD-670 — Client occurence in watchdog file checked against thresholds


D (debug), W (warning)

Message text

Watchdog %1: Client %2 (%3), event #%4, TIME%5=%6(-%7), threshold %8


The watchdog module has found a line for client %2 in a file with ID %1. This occurence was checked against all limits set in the configuration and this message logs a report of this check.

The number %4 presents count of occurences of particular client.

The number %5 presents maximum count of occurences allowed (N) and %6 and %7 are time and time difference of the N-th last occurence.

The time %8 is the time slot within which the allowed number of occurences can occur.

If the client reaches the maximum of occurences, the W-level log is logged and the client gets the SSHD_REP flag, i.e. it will be reported to the central database in the next upload, of it will be included to the next issue of the IPS database in autonomous mode.

See also



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