
data-matching — generic data matching and processing in proxies


In addition to checking compliance with an application protocol specification, a proxy can also scan protocol payload data. This capability comprises features (described elsewhere), such as HTML filtration or MIME processing, and, in some proxies (only http-proxy(8) at the time of this writing), generic configurable data processing (described in this manual page).

Generic data processing is performed by the software module mod-match. Its parameters are specified in the configuration section data-match. The section can be referenced by an ACL of a proxy that should use the data matching feature. The matching module is inserted to the data flow between a client and the server, separately in each direction. The module scans the initial part of the data; its size can be set in the module configuration using the max-size item. As blocks of data are received by the proxy, the scanning process is repeated for newly arriving data, in accordance with the parameters step-size and step-match. A sequence of checks, defined by repeatable items test, is executed. Each test can accept or deny the data. A test of the html-alert type can either report a match to the proxy log only, or report and deny, depending on the deny flag. The decisions are based on regular expression matching. There are also some more complex tests, suitable particularly for processing of submitted HTML form values in http-proxy. For detailed description of avaliable test types, see mod-match(5).

Database files used by the tests html-hash, html-alert, and html-replace are managed by the program html-match-db(1).

The test type html-save saves values of HTML forms to a text file as hexadecimal strings in a format compatible with Snort rule syntax. The test type html-hash saves hashes of HTML form values, so that it is later possible to test whether a value is stored in the database, but it is impossible to get the original values from the database. The test type html-replace uses a database with encrypted replacement data and decrypts them by a key obtained from the HTML form values being replaced; therefore, the replacement data cannot be obtained from the database without knowing the corresponding data to be replaced.

Data Matching in Proxies

HTTP proxy

It is possible to scan HTTP request and response body. Body processing is enabled and configured by the configuration items request-acl.request-body-match and doc-acl.response-body-match. Actions html-save, html-hash, html-alert, and html-replace are most useful when used for processing HTTP request body.

See Also

html-match-db(1), mod-match(5), http-proxy(8)


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