SMTC-569 — SMTP forwarders misconfiguration
SMTP forwarder sections defined within the smtp-proxy configurations describes forwarding channels for different target domains. For this purpose, they contain DOMAIN item that lists all domains served by the particular forwarder. For the original recipients of a mail, this specification is not needed, because the forwarder selection can be done in DELIVERY-ACL.DELIVER using the VIA element. However, the COPY-TO recipients are not processed by corresponding DELIVERY-ACL and as such, the forwarder selection is done solely by the specification present in the forwarder definition. The same situation can occur for a DELIVER.TO address without DELIVER.VIA parameter set.
The configuration contains a COPY-TO item, or DELIVER.TO with address not covered by any forwarders' DOMAIN definition. Check both the forwarder set and the COPY-TO/DELIVER.TO address.
Application will not be started.