SMTS-815 — Sending mail report message
RCPT-RESULT MSGID=%s SENDER=%s RCPT=%s/%s SIZE=%u SENT=%u SRV=%s(%s) ESC=%d%d.%d.%d/%s %s
This line occurs in the log whenever sending a copy of the mail is closed. It summarizes results and offers information about:
internal message identifier
sender email address (MAIL FROM argument)
recipient email address: <RCPT TO argument>/<ACL assigned>
normalized size of incoming mail
normalized size of sent mail copy
forwarder: server(ip-address)
message identification assigned to the mail by the server
final result information.
The normalized size is counted as if each line has end-of-line separator in the form CR+LF, not counting the leading dot dubbing.
The final result can be:
ACCEPTED (accepted and sent)
FAILED (failed to send)
DISCARDED (rejected by 3D phase ACL - quietly ignored)
STOPPED (cancelled due to another forwarder failure).