
clear-web-db — tool for managing the Clear Web DataBase


clear-web-db { -d | -n | -m }

clear-web-db { -o | -u | -s | -S } [db]

clear-web-db -l [-f] [db]

clear-web-db -c [locale]

clear-web-db -a [db] incr

clear-web-db -i [db] db2 incr


Utility clear-web-db can be used to create, modify, and view the Clear Web operational database, which is used by http-proxy(8) to categorize Web pages. It is usually called by program (1), which handles automatic periodic updates of the database.

URLs used by program clear-web-db consist of a server domain name followed by an optional path, including neither the method, nor the port number. Example: is used instead of



Reads the input textual data from the standard input and writes the operational database into file db.


Reads the input textual data from the standard input and updates the operational database in file db.


Creates the incremental update data between the operational databases stored in files db and db2 and writes the result into file incr.


Applies the incremental updates from incr to database db.


Reads URLs, one per line, from the standard input, searches for them in database db, and writes corresponding categories to the standard output. Each output line contains the numeric bitmap of categories followed by a space-delimited list of category names.


Reads URLs, one per line, from the standard input, searches for them in database db, and writes corresponding categories to the standard output along with the part of the URL that was used to determine the categories. Each output line contains the numeric bitmap of categories followed by the matching URL substring.


Lists the contents of database db. Each line of output contains a hash value, a bitmap of categories, and a list of category names. When listing an incremental update data, records to be deleted are listed as a hash value followed by the character -. If option -f is specified, flags are displayed between the hash value and the bitmap of categories. A flags value is an OR-combination of constants: 0x1 = there may be a record with a longer domain name suffix, 0x2 = there may be a record with a longer path prefix, 0x4 = the record contains categories (without it, the record is used only to continue with a longer domain or path according to 0x1 or 0x2), 0x8 = denotes a record to be deleted (in an incremental update only).


Reads URLs, one per line, from the standard input, and writes digests (hash values) to the standard output.


Writes all known categories (numbers and names) to the standard output. If the locale argument is specified, the category name is localized into given locale.


Reads category bitmaps, one per line, from the standard input and writes the corresponding lists of category names to the standard output.


Reads lists of category names from the standard input and writes the corresponding category bitmaps to the standard output.

Exit Status

The program returns exit code 0 if the command is successfully performed, and a nonzero if an error occurs.



The default database file used if argument db is not specified on the command line.

See Also, http-proxy(8)


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