3. Licensing

Kernun UTM requires a valid license file to operate properly. Without a license file, the software can be installed, the operating system runs allowing both local and remote administrator access, but no licensed component may be started. The licensed components include all application-level network proxies and some additional modules (for example, antivirus, antispam, and Web filter).

The license file is a cryptographically signed text file. It contains the following information:


  • License files from Kernun 3.0 are not valid for 3.1 and newer releases.

  • Licenses from Kernun 3.1 and 3.2 are recognized by Kernun 3.3 and newer.

The license file must be installed as /usr/local/kernun/license.dat. The license file is stored in the system partition and must therefore be reinstalled after each installation or upgrade. The license file can be copied to Kernun UTM either from the command line using SCP, or at the License tab of the GUI System Manager.

The set of configurable components changes depending on the type of the Kernun product and the set of licensed components. For example, if the HTTP proxy is not licensed, it should not be configured. A single configuration file may comprise configurations of many Kernun systems with different products. In each configuration section related to a single system (section system), the product can and should be specified using the product item. The product specification consists of the Kernun software type, the list of licensed components, the list of licensed component groups, and the upgrade subscription expiration value. The product specification should be filled according to the contents of the license file present in the configured system. When the configuration is verified, a check is made that only components usable in the selected products are configured. When the configuration is applied, it is checked that the product specified in the configuration complies with the product installed in the target Kernun system. At the time of writing of this text, there are two product types available:

The recognized names of licensed components and component groups are the same as in the license files. Components:

Component groups:

When the initial configuration file is created (see Section 5.2, “Initial Configuration”), the product type is detected, the currently installed license file is examined, and the system.product item is set appropriately. Therefore, it is recommended to install the license file during the installation of the system, before the initial configuration script is executed. The license file can be installed by the standalone installer, as described in Section 5.1, “Standalone Installer”. If the license file is not installed during the generation of the initial configuration or if a new system is being added to an already existing configuration, the product item must be set manually.

If you set the product item manually, select the correct product type and enter the list of licensed components, the list of licensed component groups, and the upgrade subscription expiration date according to your license file[1]. It is also possible to include the samples/include/products.cml file in the main configuration file. This file contains definitions of variables that can be used instead of the system.product item.


Some products may have optional components. Their respective variables in samples/include/products.cml have a parameter containing the list of licensed optional components. For example, Kernun Net Access with the optional antivirus and antispam modules will be specified as:

$PRODUCT-KERNUN-NET-ACCESS { mod-antivirus, mod-antispam };

Even if no optional components are licensed, the empty list must be written explicitly as the variable's parameter:


Variables for products without optional components do not have a parameter and are therefore written without the braces:


[1] Collect values from lines starting with component:, group:, and upgrade: in the license file.