Chapter 4. Configuration Basics

Table of Contents

1. Configuration Language
2. The Initial Configuration
2.1. Global Level
2.2. System
2.3. SSH Server
2.4. Local Mail Handling
2.5. Application Proxies and ACLs
2.6. DNS Proxy
2.7. HTTP Proxy
2.8. FTP Proxy
2.9. HTTPS and SSH Proxy
2.10. SMTP Proxy
2.11. IMAP4 and POP3 Proxy
3. Changing the Configuration
3.1. Adding TCP Proxies

In the first section of this chapter, we will introduce the principles of the Kernun UTM configuration. We will describe the syntax and semantics of the configuration language and its two different representations. The textual representation is used in the configuration file (usually /usr/local/kernun/conf/kernun.cml) and by the command line configuration tool cml(8). The graphical representation is used by the Kernun GUI. Then we will discuss the initial configuration that is generated when the newly installed Kernun UTM is booted for the first time. We will explain the meaning of individual items in this configuration and how to change them. For information about configuration of additional functionality not included in the initial configuration, such as more types of proxies, authentication, antivirus, or antispam modules, refer to Chapter 5, Advanced features.

Kernun UTM keeps its configuration in a text format called CML (Configuration Meta Language). The configuration is usually stored in the /usr/local/kernun/conf/kernun.cml file. Whenever the configuration file is saved by the GUI or command line tools, it is also saved to a RCS (Revision Control System) file called /usr/local/kernun/conf/kernun.cml,v. The RCS file contains the complete history of the configuration, which makes it possible to return to any past version of the configuration file, show differences between two versions, and more. The Kernun GUI and cml(8) provide functions for work with RCS files. For more advanced operations with RCS, you can use command line system tools, see rcsintro(7).

Speaking more precisely, there are two levels of configuration: high and low. Usually, the administrator maintains only the high-level configuration file. On the other hand, each Kernun UTM component reads its low-level configuration file upon starting. The Kernun UTM configuration handling tools generate a set of low-level configuration files[17] from the single high-level configuration file. In fact, the high-level configuration is more or less an extension of the low-level configuration of proxies. This concept makes it possible to keep a simple configuration file for each proxy and, at the same time, maintain a single file that describes the whole system in a comfortable way.

1. Configuration Language

The configuration has a tree structure consisting of sections, items, and elements. A section is a named group of logically connected configuration directives. It can contain other (sub)sections and items. An item is a named group of values—elements. The configuration structure is reflected by the view of the configuration in the GUI, see Figure 4.1, “Tree structure of the configuration”, as well as in the corresponding textual configuration file:

## Configuration of a single Kernun UTM system 1
system fw { 2
  ## Host name without domain
  hostname fw; 3
  ## Domain name

  ## The default crontab defines typically used periodic actions
  crontab {

  ## The network interface connected to the internal network
  interface INT { 4
    dev em0;
    ipv4 []; 5

Figure 4.1. Tree structure of the configuration

Tree structure of the configuration

In the sample configuration there is a section of type system named fw 2. It contains several subsections and items. For example, an item hostname with an element (value) fw 3, or a subsection interface named INT 4 containing an item ipv4 5. Note that it is possible to include comments in the configuration file. They are also displayed by the GUI 1.

Nodes of the configuration tree are referenced by paths. A path lists the ancestor sections in the tree. In the above example, the fw.INT.ipv4 path denotes the item 5. Instead of specifying a value for an element, it is possible to use a reference to another value in the configuration with the same type. For example, the initial configuration contains

system fw {
  ssh-server SSHD {
    listen-sock ^ 1 : 22;

Here, 1 denotes the value obtained by going up the tree to the system type node (section system fw), and then down to the node named INT (it is interface INT), then to ipv4, and finally we take its host element (value).

References ensure the consistency if the same value appears at two or more places in the configuration. If the same path is to be repeated several times, e.g., in listen-on of several proxies, we may avoid the use of the full path by using a variable.

system fw {
  interface INT {
    dev em0;
    ipv4 [];
  set INT_IP = ^; 1
  ## SSH daemon for remote administrator access from the internal network

  ssh-server SSHD {
    listen-sock $INT_IP 2 : 22;

The previous example is changed so that the reference path is stored in a variable called INT_IP 1 and the variable is used instead the full path later 2. For the GUI view of the same configuration, see Figure 4.2, “Tree structure of the configuration”. In addition to these data variables it is possible to define variables containing several configuration items or even whole sections. These section variables can be parametrized. A simple example of section variables will be shown in the next paragraph, along with file includes.

Figure 4.2. Tree structure of the configuration

Tree structure of the configuration

A configuration file can include another file. After the installation there are several include files in /usr/local/kernun/conf/samples/include. The initial configuration includes two of them, root-servers.cml (a list of root DNS servers) and crontab.cml (the default configuration of the cron (8) daemon that runs periodic actions in the system, e.g., log rotation). Example: the crontab.cml include file contains

set DEFAULT-CRONTAB system.crontab {
set DEFAULT-PERIODIC system.periodic-conf {

    set-env daily_clean_hoststat_enable "NO";
    set-env daily_status_disks_df_flags " -i";
    set-env daily_status_mail_rejects_enable "NO";
    set-env daily_status_include_submit_mailq "NO";
    set-env daily_submit_queuerun "NO";

It is included in the main configuration file kernun.cml

include "samples/include/crontab.cml";
system fw {
  crontab {

The same excerpt of the configuration viewed in the GUI is shown in Figure 4.3, “Including configuration files and using section variables”. The crontab.cml file is included at 1. It defines the variables DEFAULT-CRONTAB and DEFAULT-PERIODIC. The first variable is used at 2. Note that the GUI displays the contents of included files.

Figure 4.3. Including configuration files and using section variables

Including configuration files and using section variables

Configuration elements are of various types. All the types and their exact syntax are described in configuration(7). Here we only list the types and present the most important syntax rules.

  • Integers — a nonnegative decimal or hexadecimal value; several types with different numbers of bits

  • Port number — an integer or a service name from /etc/services

  • String — a sequence of characters in double quotes. It is possible to omit the quotes for strings that contain only a limited set of characters.

  • Regular expression — delimited by slashes

  • Host — an IP address in dotted decimal format enclosed in brackets or a host name

  • Interface address, network address — an IP address with mask, enclosed in brackets

  • Socket — a host and a port number

  • Enumeration — a set of names representing integer constants

  • List — a sequence of values of a basic type, separated by commas and enclosed in braces. Lists can be nested.

  • Set — a set of values of a basic type. Syntax is similar to lists with additional features—ranges, exclusion of members, and wildcards. Sets of some types allow special members, e.g., regular expressions in a set of strings or host addresses.


In the GUI, the values must be entered including quoting characters, such as double quotes for strings and brackets for IP addresses.

We have introduced only the basic concepts of the Kernun UTM configuration language. The complete definition of the language syntax can be found in reference pages configuration(7) and cml(8). The semantics of the configuration is defined by the meaning of individual sections, items, and elements. Semantic rules also define the subsections and items each section may contain. There are constraints, e.g. that the existence of a configuration node requires or forbids the existence of another node. The set of possible values of a configuration element can be limited. A section or item can be repeatable (can occur several times, in the case of sections with different names), or non-repeatable (cannot occur more than once; non-repeatable sections do not have names). For example, in Figure 4.1, “Tree structure of the configuration”, the named sections system and interface are repeatable, whereas the section crontab is non-repeatable. The semantics of the configuration is described comprehensively in section 5 of the reference pages (in the appendix of this handbook or in manual pages displayed using the man(1)) command.

[17] They are mainly proxy configuration files and some system configuration files, e.g., /etc/rc.conf.