15. Antivirus Checking of Data

Kernun UTM can cooperate with the Dr.WEB or ClamAV antivirus programs and any other antivirus program that supports ICAP protocol, e.g. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Proxy Server. This tutorial describes the configuration of Kernun UTM only (that is, not the installation and configuration of the antivirus programs). The complete configuration file is located in /usr/local/kernun/conf/samples/cml/antivirus.cml.

15.1. Connecting with ClamAV

The ClamAV antivirus program can be installed either directly on Kernun UTM or on any other machine connected via the network. The administrator of Kernun UTM can choose either of two ways to transport files between Kernun UTM and ClamAV:

  • clamav-net: Files to be checked by the antivirus are sent to the antivirus via the TCP connection.

  • clamav-file: Files to be checked by the antivirus are stored on the local file system. This option can be only used if the antivirus program is running on the same machine as Kernun UTM. The directory where the files are stored is defined by the comm-dir element (which defaults to /data/tmp/antivirus). Kernun UTM does not create the directory (it must be explicitly created by the administrator), and proper permissions need to be set (i.e., the directory must be writable by proxy-user).

The IP address and the port the antivirus program listens on are specified in the section antivirus on the system level of Kernun UTM's configuration, as shown in Figure 5.56, “Configuration of the connection to the antivirus program” (we suppose ClamAV listens on localhost's port 3310). It is possible to limit the size (max-checked-size) of files scanned by the antivirus program. In the sample configuration, it is 1 MB. Larger files are not scanned and the antivirus module immediately reports the result as SKIPPED.

Figure 5.56. Configuration of the connection to the antivirus program

Configuration of the connection to the antivirus program

15.2. Connecting via ICAP protocol

The Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) is a lightweight HTTP-like protocol used to communicate with antivirus program. Kernun UTM makes use of it's Response Modification Mode to send data to be checked. Antivirus program sends back it's test results.

The IP address and the port the antivirus ICAP server listens on are specified in the section antivirus on the system level of Kernun UTM's configuration, as shown in Figure 5.57, “Configuration of the connection to the antivirus program via ICAP” (in this example it's and standard ICAP port, 1344). The third parameter of connection item (/av/respmod in this example) is an URI of the antivirus' Response Modification Mode handler. Again, it is possible to limit the size (max-checked-size) of files scanned by the antivirus program.

Figure 5.57. Configuration of the connection to the antivirus program via ICAP

Configuration of the connection to the antivirus program via ICAP

15.3. Antivirus Results

There are five possible results of a check of content by the antivirus:


The antivirus has scanned the data and has not found any virus.


At least one virus has been found.


The antivirus has not scanned the data. Either the antivirus itself has decided not to scan, or the file has been larger than the limit specified by max-checked-size. No virus has been found, but the antivirus has not confirmed that the data is virus-free.


The proxy has received a result from the antivirus, but does not understand it. It is not known whether there is any virus in the data, or not.


The proxy cannot communicate with the antivirus. This is usually caused by the antivirus not running or by misconfigured antivirus connection in the proxy.

15.4. Antivirus in Proxies

The antivirus program can be used for online scanning of the content transferred via ftp-proxy, http-proxy, imap4-proxy, pop3-proxy and smtp-proxy. There is a slight difference between mail-processing proxies (imap4-proxy, pop3-proxy and smtp-proxy) and the other two (http-proxy and ftp-proxy). In the latter case, a special functionality is implemented that prevents clients from reaching a timeout while very long files are being scanned. The client is fed with chunks of the file at specified intervals until the scanning of the file is completed.

Document scanning for the HTTP and FTP proxies is configured in their doc-acl. The antivirus item specifies the name of the antivirus section to be used. The interval, chunk and limit items can be used optionally to specify that if scanning takes more than a certain time (5 seconds in the example), a chunk of the (as yet unscanned) file of a certain size (up to 2,000 bytes) is to be sent to the client at a certain interval (5 seconds). By default, only documents for which the antivirus returns the result free are passed by the proxy. The doc-acl.accept-antivirus-status item can be used to specify additional result codes, for which the checked data are to be passed, in addition to free.

Figure 5.58. Use of antivirus in the FTP and HTTP proxies

Use of antivirus in the FTP and HTTP proxies

15.5. SMTP Proxy: Discarding Infected Mails

We will describe two variants of smtp-proxy configuration, differing in the way they handle infected mail. In this section, we show the case when infected mail is discarded, i.e. not sent to the recipient(s), but stored in quarantine.

In smtp-proxy, the item use-antivirus is used to define antivirus. Infected mail is detected in the mail-acl sections. One of them, a mail-acl accepting all e-mails (MAILOK), already exists in the Kernun UTM configuration. We will create more to process messages with various antivirus scan results (see Figure 5.59, “Discarding infected messages in the SMTP proxy”). When smtp-proxy processes mail, the first matching ACL is used. We must therefore place new mail-acl sections before the existing MAILOK.

Figure 5.59. Discarding infected messages in the SMTP proxy

Discarding infected messages in the SMTP proxy

The first added mail-acl, VIRUS, discards infected mail and puts it in quarantine. Its only entry condition is virus-status. It is matched if the virus-status of the message is found (i.e., it contains a document that is infected by a virus). We define three actions: discard the message (i.e., the sender is not returned an error), deny it (the message is not sent to the addressee) and store the e-mail in quarantine.

The quarantine directory must be defined (the quarantine item in the smtp-proxy section) and created in the file system (e.g., /usr/local/kernun/root/var/quarantine, keeping in mind the smtp-proxy runs in chroot), and writable by kernun-user. For more information about ways of handling mail stored in quarantine, see quarc.sh(1).

There are two more mail-acl sections. AV-ERROR reports a transient error to the client if the the antivirus is unable to check the message. The client can retry sending the mail later. AV-UNKNOWN discards and quarantines the message if the antivirus does not scan it or if the proxy cannot understand the antivirus' reply.

15.6. SMTP Proxy: Replacing Infected Documents

Contrary to the previous example, this section describes a way to prevent infected mail from being discarded. This example refers to smtp-proxy SMTP-2, which is marked hidden in the sample file[36].

This time, smtp-proxy removes the infected documents from the message and delivers the e-mail to the addressee, sending a BCC copy to a special (administrator's) e-mail address. Moreover, the subject is changed to make it obvious that a virus was removed from the message. smtp-proxy also stores infected mail in quarantine. The configuration is depicted in Figure 5.60, “Replacing infected documents in the SMTP proxy”

Figure 5.60. Replacing infected documents in the SMTP proxy

Replacing infected documents in the SMTP proxy

The removal of infected document is ensured by creating a special doc-acl DOC-INFECTED section that matches the infected documents. We place it in front of the existing doc-acl DOCOK in order to match before the more generic doc-acl DOCOK. The entry condition virus-status found limits the acl scope to the infected documents (documents marked by the antivirus program as containing a virus). We add the action item replace so that the matched (and therefore infected) document is replaced by the given file. The administrator must explicitly create this file if it does not exist. Because the proxy is configured to run in chroot environment, the file must be stored in the particular subdirectory of the directory specified as chroot-dir (in this case, /usr/local/kernun/root/etc/shared/error_documents/).

The special behavior for infected e-mails (i.e., the messages that contain an infected document) is defined in mail-acl VIRUS. The entry condition virus-status found limits the acl scope to infected e-mails. The accept item specifies that the e-mail should be delivered to the addressee. We specify that the message is to be stored in the quarantine, that a BCC copy be sent to a special e-mail address (the copy-to item) and that the subject be prefixed with a specified text (the prefix-subject item).

Like in SMTP, there is an additional mail-acl AV-ERROR that returns a transient error to the client if the mail cannot be checked by the antivirus. Finally, doc-acl REPLACE-AV-UNKNOWN replaces documents that are skipped by the antivirus.

15.7. Antivirus in POP3 and IMAP4 Proxies

In this section, we show the POP3 and the IMAP4 proxies configured to replace infected documents. See the Figure 5.61, “Replacing infected documents in the POP3 proxy” and Figure 5.62, “Replacing infected documents in the IMAP4 proxy”

Figure 5.61. Replacing infected documents in the POP3 proxy

Replacing infected documents in the POP3 proxy

Figure 5.62. Replacing infected documents in the IMAP4 proxy

Replacing infected documents in the IMAP4 proxy

First, we instruct Kernun UTM to scan the documents transferred through the proxy with the antivirus by specifying the item use-antivirus. The item is specified directly in command-acl for the POP3 proxy, whereas for IMAP4 proxy, it is specified separately for the download and for the upload case.

In the second-level acl (mail-acl MAILOK), we specify that all e-mails should be accepted. In the third-level acl, we specify that we want to replace infected (doc-acl REPLACE-INFECTED) and unscanned (doc-acl REPLACE-AV-UNKNOWN) documents, and to accept all other documents (DOCOK)[37].

[36] Keep either SMTP, or SMTP-2 hidden—they are not designed to work in parallel.

[37] Note that the file referenced in the replace item must exist in the system (if it does not exist, it must be created).